The syncrometer, an electronic device used to detect individual substances by using a circuit and matching frequencies. The following substances have been identified in the used pads through this method: benzene, isopropyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, aluminum, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, thallium, arsenic, asbestos, DAB dye, fast green dye, sudan black dye and PCB (plastic byproduct).
Included in this offer is a pre-paid Used Pad Analysis (from an independent lab), for use with a single BodyPure Detox Foot Pad. Simply send a used pad in the included pre-posted envelope to determine what is being released on to your pads (results sent by e-mail, fax or post). Panel includes (the presence of, not quantity) of 7 common toxins:
PCB's, Aluminum, Benzene, Isopropyl Alcohol, Copper, Mercury and Arsenic