How The BodyPure Pads Work
Many people are skeptical about the ability of a pad on the sole of the foot to have any kind of systemic effect. Of course, once you try it and see for yourself it is evident to most of us. In order to understand how it works,
begin by looking at the pictures below.
Note how
the central- anterior area of the sole of the foot corresponds and connects to the kidneys, liver, and spleen. If you have any doubts about the connections of the sole of the foot with our organs, I invite you to try the following simple experiment. If you are not allergic to garlic, cut a clove in half and rub the fresh garlic side on the sole of your foot (for approximately 45 seconds). Within a few minutes, you will be able to detect a garlic taste in your mouth!
Now that we have established the connection, we can understand how
the ingredients in BodyPure2x use their natural power of absorption to draw out the toxins that are utilizing the existing channels of our body. Trees are natures specialists in mobilizing nutrients, energy and toxins up and down the trunk (from the roots up and from the leaves, after photosynthesis, down).
The Science Behind BodyPure2x
When toxins are absorbed into the system, most become embedded in our tissues. As the BodyPure2x pads are placed on our skin, the natural herbs interact, and begin their work by emitting far infrared energy.
The infrared rays not only enhances the cells functions directly, but also stimulate the Kidney 1 Meridians on the soles of the feet, creating a second front for detoxification. The Kidney 1 Meridian is used extensively by Acupuncturists and Acupressurists to also promote healing and relieve tension. In essence, the BodyPure2x pads gently stimulate this point for an 8 to 10 hour period.
In addition, the wood vinegar extract in the foot patches allows for a phenomenon known in Asia as the "minus ion effect".
By creating an osmotic shift in the herb/skin interface it permits the transfer of toxins. This "minus ion effect" induced by the pads, accelerates the natural excretion process (through the pores), and allows the body to purge toxins at a faster rate.
So Where Is the Proof?
The visual evidence after using theBodyPure2x pad is compelling, and the progress is apparent when used over a few consecutive days.
Multiple samples of pads were sent to SRC Analytical Lab, a highly accredited Environmental Laboratory. The results demonstrated absorption into the patch of Nickel, Arsenic and Mercury amongst others.
- Multiple pads for various individuals were analyzed by using a syncrometer. The syncrometer, an electronic device used to detect individual substances by using a circuit and matching frequencies. The following substances have been identified in the used pads through this method: benzene, isopropyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, aluminum, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, thallium, arsenic, asbestos, DAB dye, fast green dye, sudan black dye and PCB (plastic byproduct).
- Hair analysis testing of toxin levels in individuals before and after the use of the BodyPure2x foot pads have been conducted (see below).
(note: the pads were only used over a 2 month period, the extended time lapse between tests is required in order for new hair to grow out for testing)