What The Detox Patch Does

The simple explanation is that detox patches are herbal 'pouches' held to the arch of the foot overnight. By morning, they have turned dark, sometimes with streaks of color and moisture. Although the way that they function has not undergone intensive studies in the US, a quick search online shows thousands of positive reviews, which alone is a good indication that it is not just a 'placebo' effect. Several companies provide research, and indicate that the herbs in the foot patch trigger reflexology points in the feet.
Universally, the natural foot patch uses a wood vinegar extract, which along with tourmaline, is the main active ingredient. Our BodyPure Foot Patch is the industry leader, both in quality and quantity of the active ingredients, and the data below shows a detailed comparison to the other manufacturers. The different companies feature different trees (used to make the wood vinegar), though most of the data supports bamboo as being superior. The cause of the foot patch changing colors is both discharge of toxins and lymphatic fluid, AS WELL AS the interaction of the herbs with heat and moisture of the foot (the heat is caused by the increased circulation caused by the tourmaline in the foot patch). Bodypure also offers it's customers access to lab tests for the used patch, and we, along with a few other manufacturers also offer money back guarantees.. so those with a bit of skepticism might want to stick to one of those.

The Purchase Options

Nearly all of the detox patches available online originally come from a handful of manufacturers (listed below). We welcome your additions should you be able to discover further or updated foot detox information (use the contact page, or leave as a review).

The BodyPure Foot Patch

Picture of the BodyPure Foot Patch
Country of OriginCompanyCost (30 Day Cleanse)Shipping Cost
USA Flag USAwebsite: bodypure.com
3rd Party Reviews

BodyPure's PROs

  • Highest content of active ingredients
  • Used patch lab test included
  • Research on website
  • No shellfish, chemicals or latex
  • Money back guarantee, phone support

BodyPure's CONs

  • Middle to high price

Acuped's Foot Patch

Acupeds Detox Patches
Country of OriginCompanyCost (30 Day Cleanse)Shipping Cost
Chinese Flag Chinawebsite: acupeds.net
No Independent Reviews

Acuped's PROs

  • Research on website
  • No chemicals or latex
  • Money back guarantee, phone support (via distributor)

Acuped's CONs

  • Expensive
  • Contains shellfish (chitosan)

Verseo's Foot Patch

Verseo's Detox Foot Patch
Country of OriginCompanyCost (30 Day Cleanse)Shipping Cost
Chinese Flag Chinawebsite: verseo.com
3rd Party Reviews

Verseo's PROs

  • Least expensive
  • No shellfish (Chitosan)
  • Money back guarantee and phone support

Verseo's CONs

  • Contains chemicals (SILICA DIMETHICONE SILYLATE) and latex (in adhesives)
  • No research on website

Sole's Foot Patch

Sole's Foot Patch
Country of OriginCompanyCost (30 Day Cleanse)Shipping Cost
Korean Flag Koreawebsite: none
No Independent Reviews

Sole's PROs

  • No shellfish (Chitosan) or chemicals

Sole's CONs

  • Contains latex (in adhesives)
  • No research on website
  • No money back guarantee or phone support

Nutriwork's (Patch-It) Foot Patch

PatchIt's Foot Patch
Country of OriginCompanyCost (30 Day Cleanse)Shipping Cost
Chinese Flag Chinawebsite: nutriworks.com
No Independent Reviews

Patch-It's PROs

  • No chemicals
  • Phone support (Hong Kong)

Patch-It's CONs

  • Expensive
  • Contains latex (in adhesives) and shellfish (Chitosan)
  • No research on website
  • No money back guarantee
*Note: Kinoki was another manufacturer that was closed due to false claims.

Foot Patches Comparison Summary


Company site

Cost (30-day cleanse)

Country of origin


Lab testing

Contain chitosan (shellfish)

Latex adhesives

Contain chemicals



Customer support

Bodypure bodypure.com $71.85 USA yes yes (included) no no no yes 0 phone / email
Acupeds acupeds.net $131.95 China yes no yes no no yes 0 phone / email
Verseo verseo.com $49.90 China no no no yes SILICA DIMETHICONE SILYLATE yes $6.95 phone / email
Nutriworks aka Patch-it nutriworks.com $105.00 China no no yes yes no no $25.00 phone / email
Sole none $71.94 Korea no no no yes no no $6.95+ no
The BodyPure Detox Pads in Detail:

About the BodyPure Detox Foot Patch

Holistic Dentist and Naturopathic Doctor, Daniel Vinograd, developed the BodyPure2x Detox Patch when he discovered the toxicity of the heavy metals he was working with, and became committed to finding a natural detox method for himself and his patients.

The active ingredients in the BodyPure2x Foot Patch have been used by the Japanese for centuries to combat fatigue, improve circulation, increase metabolism, enhance quality of sleep and help release toxins from the body.

How Do The Patches Work?

Your liver and kidneys are central to the operation of the foot patch, and are the main filtering organs in your body. Natural meridians in your body connect the soles of the feet with the liver, kidneys and all other major organs. Traditional forms of medicine have used foot baths for treating many conditions for thousands of years. Our research has shown that the soles of the feet are the perfect place for applying our BodyPure2x Detox Foot Patch. used detox patch analysis

How To Use Them

Simply apply a single foot patch to one foot for 8-10 hours while sleeping. Switch feet every night, and treat only one foot at a time. When you buy a 1-month supply of BodyPure2x Detox Patches, you also get a used pad lab test, so that you can see for yourself. After using a pad all night, our tests find heavy metals like Nickel, Mercury, and Arsenic. We have also found Benzene, Isopropyl Alcohol, Methyl Alcohol, Aluminum, Cadmium, Copper, Lead, Thallium, Asbestos, PCBs and several dangerous dyes like Fast Green and Sudan Black. new and used detox patches

The Proof

You′ll actually be able to see Visual Evidence of the toxins soaked up by your Foot Patch. Not only will you be able to see what′s been coming out of your body into the detox patches, over the course of a cleanse you will also see that there is less residue in the foot patch as your body becomes more and more detoxed!

What to do.
If you worry about your health in a world seemingly FILLED with TOXINS, you′ll love the easy, natural detoxification you receive with BodyPure2x Detox Patches.

We have made a great deal available to you at http://www.bodypure.com/product-p/bodypure2x30days.htm - You get $30 off your 30 day detox kit, as well as free shipping, and the free analysis of your used BodyPure2x Detox Foot Patches.

Thank you for taking the time to read our message, and if you have any questions regarding the BodyPure Foot Patch or otherwise, call us anytime at toll free 888-951-7873, or email staff@bodypure.com.

Top Reviews

Medical Detox Review:
"Doctor Favorite" July 27, 2020
"We host hudreds of thousands of doctors on findurdr.com, so know exactly how popular these detox pads are in the medical community."
5 stars by Find Ur Doctor

Foot Patch Review:
"Detox Patch Memo" September 24, 2017
"Thank you for such a clear memo on who is behind the different detox patches, I've been looking for this sort of thing for awhile now."
5 stars by Leila Roth

Foot Patch Review:
"The Actual Suppliers" May 25, 2013
"I have been using detox patches for over 10 years, and can attest to the fact that these are the main suppliers. It's great to have this info in one place for the public."
5 stars by Dr Daniel, Holistic Dentist

Detox Foot Patch Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 2 reviews.

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