Spring Detox P5


Your liver is involved not only into getting rid of your fats, not only in making sure that energy lasts a long time, not only in detoxify but your body is involved in regulating your blood sugar and your blood sugar you always think of pancreas. A vast majority of your blood sugar regulation takes place in your liver.  You have two things happening, you have your pancreas coming through here and your bile coming through here and if the bile ducts are congested, the pancreatic duct before it enters into the intestinal tract that’s what it does, it hooks up with our bile duct. If you have congested bile and you don’t digest fats very well and you’ve avoided them and I cant tell you how many patients I’ve asked “ how do you deal when you eat fried, greasy food” and they go “ I have no idea, I have no idea how I would do that because I haven’t eaten it in thirty year and when I really dig in we find that when I did eat heaver food s it didn’t fell so good so I don’t eat them anymore.”  That’s what I don’t want you to say; it’s not good enough.  Not feeling f good with those heavier food will turn off your digestive fire and a combination of getting this turn off that will congest your bile, your pancreatic and your enzymes will flow very well. Now you have a decrease in digestive e enzymes and everybody says well just take digestive enzymes, as you get older you don’t make them and you don’t need digestive enzymes   that’s is so not true.


In fact if you take a lot of digestive enzymes with a lot of amalays in them, if you look at your enzyme bottle and it says amalays , guess what amalyas does, it injects sugar into the blood stream which is t ever last thing we want.

In a culture where half of the American population is pre diabetic, you have one hundred million Americans pre diabetic as we speak, nineteen million of them according to the CDC don’t know they’re diabetic.


The experts say in the next ten years every adult Americans will be pre diabetic. I’m really a bog fan of knowing your blood sugar. If there is one thing you can do to make sure you ward off heart disease, which is the number one killer in America and the number one cause of the number one killer, is blood sugar. The numbers for blood sugar are important and I’m going to show you something that is really important.


When you go to the doctor and that take your blood sugar fasting, the goal of your glucose should be between seventy and eighty five milligrams per   gasolier, that’s where you want to be. Anything greater than one hundred is pre diabetes. Many labs don’t even screen you until one sixteen or one ten, most of them now are going to one hundred but nobody says a word to you if you’re numbers are ninety nine.


There are many studies that show when your numbers are just over eighty five, not over a hundred which is pre diabetes and one hundred millions Americans are there, if you are over just eight five you have a forty percent increased risk of dying of a heart attack or stroke. They just tell you with forty three thousand non diabetic men eighty percent were over eighty five, so when you think about the numbers who’s left? A couple years ago we sourced these little, cheap, hospital approved glucometers and I started giving my patients and asking them to test and I tell you what almost everybody was pre diabetic. The study was just right on and I’m a big believer of go buying a fifteen cent glucometer, take your blood sugar in the morning and not wait ten, fifteen years from now for your doctor to tell you your blood sugar is a little bit high.  If they’re over eighty-five they’re high and here’s what happens.  When the sugar goes high in your blood and why does it go high in the blood, because your lover got congested, your intestinal villi got congested, your lymph got congested, your bile got congested, your stomach fire got turned off and you know you don’t digest well and if you don’t digest wheat and fry food very well, like I said I’m bot saying you should it but if you cant digest it your digestion/ detox is compromised, your liver got congested and now we have a problems. The blood sugar starts to creep up a d starts rising and when that happens and the blood sugar goes into your blood the number one thing it does is it goes to your brain.  The brain uses sugar and there is an enzyme in the brain that gets rid of sugar but that same enzyme get rid of the plaque in the brain to so if you spend the next twenty years eating whatever you want sugars, molasses, all these kinds of things and we think we’re healthy; I was looking at this morning while I was in the store with my wife, we hadn’t had lunch and we were at a track meet and we wanted to gets something and lets just see what this protein shake would have, some kind of pre mixed protein shake , sixteen ounces, eight serving sixe on the label, twenty eight grams of sugar for eight ounces. The whole bottle that was not that big wash fifty-two grams of sugar I was like your kidding me right. I said let me try the pomegranate juice, thirty three grams of sugar for whatever the serving size was and I was like, we see there are so many hidden sugar and when that rises in your blood sugar just a little bit the enzyme that is trying to get the sugar out is snot available to take the plaque out and the plaque stay s residual in your brain tissue and it can set you up for cognitive issue, Alzheimer’s and different type of Parkinson’s and things down the road.


Alzheimer’s is basically diabetes of the brain and it completely reversible if you know what your blood sugar is now in your twenties and thirties and forties and don’t let it get to be a hundred and ten or a hundred and twenty. You go out for dinner have a glass of wine, you go home and the next morning check your sugar and see that’s its at 110 “I know what didn’t work for me “ so the next day you go home and you eat a really good meal, really look carb meal you got to bed and t you get a good nights sleep, you get up and your numbers are in the low eighties and you “ yes, that’s good”. You’ll begin to scrub and know exactly what works for your lifestyle and what doesn’t work for you. I tell you what, its just taking responsibility for health because what happens when that blood sugar goes up directly into the fat, so it makes us fat, belly fat mostly, it goes right into your liver and causes cholesterol problems so cholesterol levels start to creep up and the very worst thing it does is it goes right into your liver and it glaciates. So what happens is the sugar goes into your blood and it sticks it proteins, the sugar and the protein clump together and they clump with special proteins collagens and elastin, the two that makes your skin youthful but when your skin outside begins to age or becomes thin its due to a process called glaciation because your protein and you sugars are sticking and clumping and now the circulation of your protein and sugar into the very distal refine cappers isn’t good. The lymphatic drainage becomes congested and the skin starts to look yucky, you start to lose complexion, you start to wrinkle prematurely because there’s a good chance that your blood is creeping up and you have no idea because nobody told you and you really need to look at that. It’s just a simple easy thing to do.


When these sugars begin to clump to these proteins they also become extremely damaging to the arteries and you have skin that lines your arteries and when you damage that with what are called advanced glaciation in end products, they are the number one cause of the generation and the disease, free radicals and what are called AGEP, advanced glaciation end product from sugar proteins are our nemesis, we really don’t want to have it.


When we look at sight of chronic diseases, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, heart disease you may see advance glaciation end product, that’s what they find there and its due to high sugar and now you begin to see that high sugar came from a digestive system that went south many, many years ago. One thing you want to do is get a glucometer, check it out and make sure you’re good and you begin to know hat diet, what foods work, what foods don’t work, its fascinating, it sorts of forces your into a good life.


We know how to get the bile to move and now we got to learn how to turn the digestive fire back on.  You can turn the digestive fire back on in many ways. You can use things like ginger, if you’re at a restaurant and you’re sitting there and you want to stimulate your digestive fire then take a little bit of salt, that makes your fire hot, take a little bit of pepper, put it in a glass, mix it with a little bit of water and drink it down, order your food and fifteen minutes later your digestive fire is turned on. Salt, pepper and water, it’s found on every restaurant table in a pinch turn your fire right back on. If you’re eating late at night you just have a pinch of that and you turn it back on, it’s so simple.

Spring Detox P4


If the bile is not being produced well you’re not going to do well with fatty foods. The stomach acids that get produced here after a while if there is not enough acids to neutralize it a couple of things are going to happen, the stomach is going to say hey there is no bile down there we cant let that acid leave so as a result we just leave the acid in the stomach and its going to cause heartburn, reflux, gird a major problems that affects about 20% of the population and the acid builds up in your stomach and reflexes up into your esophagus and maybe cause some real problems.


What else happens is the stomach assays hey I have all this acid here t, there’s no bile here to neutralize it, turn off the fire, so your stomach acids begins to dial down now you don’t digest wheat, dairy, hard t digest proteins.  You see gluttons and proteins should be broken down here it should never see your villi and when it does its an irritant, it will rip your guts to shreds and cause lymphatic congestion and all kids of bloating and gas, all sorts of bad stuff will happen.


If you have good stomach acids the glutton gets broken down here and never sees or irritates the villi. The casin in dairy never gets broken down here and irritates the intestinal tract and cause problems but if you have weak digestion or you cant digest the things there’s a good chance that we have a digestive fire that has been turned down can lead to the lack of bile flow. If you have lack of bile flow you’re going to have probably a related amount of less acid production. So we need to turn the fire back on but we cant turn the fire back on because the body turned it off for a reason and the reason is there is no bile. Now I think how do I turn this back on, how do I decongest my bile and how do I heal my intestinal tract and decongest my lymphatic system.

If we d all that then we are ready to become a good detoxifier. For the inside of your intestinal tract there is a lot of things that you can do and like I said the spring is providing a great opportunity just by eating the bitter roots, drinking tea, making burdock tea and dandelion root tea and all these bitter roots that we don’t eat to scrub the intestinal villi. Other things that are great scrubbers from intestinal villi and even healing agents for your intestinal villi are tumerics; turmeric’s a great herb for that.


If you have any types of mucus in your school and sometimes we talk about how the gut can get dry and the reaction to excess dryness is it produce excess mucus and the mucus can produce looser stools so sometimes we have too loose or too dry intestinal tract. If you’re too loose then you want to nourish and lubricate the intestinal tract and things like slippery elm and marshmallow root and licorice root are herbs that are nourishing and lubricating for the intestinal tract.


Turmeric is great d for the liver, its great for the intestinal villi and its great for your lymph, these are foods you can begin to eat a lot around this time of the year. The outside of your gut wall for the lymphatic system there’s lots of herbs for that. There’s a herb called red root and that’s exactly what it is a red root and like I said everything that is reed is good for your lymph. Beets in the winter are lymph mover, cranberries are lymph movers, cherries and berries and all of the things that they use traditionally to make dyes with are antioxidants and therefore great lymph movers. When you think about getting you lymph to move this is b very important.


The other thing that lymph needs to function well is hydration. Most of us are probably dehydrated and the best arabaric technique to get your lymph to move is this crazy technique of sipping hot water. Just plain old hot water and sipping it 10-15 minutes every day, boil the water, put it in a thermos and sip it throughout the day it creates a vassal, dilation, hydration, it scrubs the villi, it increases the productivity of the villi so that you can have better flow of your lymphatic system. If you do that everyday for two weeks it’s a powerful rehydration technique plus drinking regular amounts of 6-8 glasses of water everyday, we call it a rehydration technique.  A great thing to do wright now in preparation for springtime because we are at the driest time of the year, get water and start drinking.


I always tell my patients and they look at me and go “ what, you want me to drink hot water every 10-15 minutes for two weeks? Have you lost your mind?” and I say can you just do it for one day, boil some water in the morning, fill it up in a thermos and sip it all day long for one day and see how you feel.  If at the end of that one day your thirsting for hot water then you’re going to be more motivated to do it for the next thirteen days.


Most folks actually do it for one day, its like you pour hot water on leather and it starts to soften and absorbs the water that’s exactly what happens, you realize how thirsty you are.  How many of you drink water and it feels like it gives right through you?  This is a way you can begin to feel like you’re rehydrating yourself. I have been teaching this technique for may years now and I cant even begin to tell you how many people write me and email me to tell me just how amazing the results were juts by sipping hot water and that’s a great lymphatic mover.


Probably one of the best decongestions for your bile is beets and radishes, cinnamon and all your leafy greens arte really important. I always tell my patients that they should opt or aim to get about two-thirds of their plate green vegetables, one –third of your meal are split between protein and starch. Always have a balanced meal. Proteins, starch and veggies are there but the vegetables are more important, particularly if you are trying to become a better detoxifier. Why? Because when you eat lots of greens and I’m talking about chewing them as oppose to juicing them because when you juice them you just get all the cellulose they left behind because the cellulose even though we don’t digest it, it does something vey important.


Inside your liver you have bile and the bile is like a little Pac man. It goes around grabbing cholesterol, grabbing heavy metals, grabbing toxins and t gets loaded with all these fat soluble yuck and when you eat some fatty foods it gets shoved into your intestinal tract. Once it’s in there it starts to scrub yucky toxins of f your instestinal villi. It’s cleaning and multiplying facts and when cellulose comes in the intestinal tract it attaches unto to the cellulose and the cellulose takes it to the toilet and its gone.


If you don’t have enough cellulose in your diet, up to 94% of those toxins bile with all the yucky cholesterol goes right back into your liver, right back into your blood and right back into your fat or stays in your blood as bad cholesterol and damages your arteries.


We have the identical digestive system as a gorilla and there’s only one animal on the planet we can take ours and swap out ours for theirs is a gorilla. They eat more than half their body weight in vegetables per day, that’s about a hundred pounds of vegetables per day, they don’t do a whole lot else but eat all day long but they have an identical digestive system.


I’m not saying that wee should eat that much. Even the best of <inaudible> expert say 1-2 pounds of vegetables is a lot but realistically how many vegetables do we really eat? You cant get enough of it and the more cellulose we chew on and when you chew it by the way its really valuable because chewing actually is a different kind of brain chemistry. Here in Colorado they actually give kids chewing gum before standardized test to take test because studies show that chewing increases brain capacity and cognitive function. When you don’t chew and you think abut most of the foods that we eat is chewing really necessary? I mean like scrambled eggs do you have to chew it? When you think about the foods we eat how much of it is really chewing? It’s really important to have you green vegetables chewed so the cellulose can go and carry that bile to the toilet. I cant begin to tell you how important that it is otherwise its going straight back into the liver.

Spring Detox P3

What happens is when the body digestive system begins to break down we lose our ability to digest well and we lose our ability to detoxify well?  What do we do? We just say, don’t eat wheat and don’t eat dairy.

If the reason that you could digest wheat and airy in your twenties and now you cant digest it in your forties and fifties let say, what went wrong?

Did the wheat and dairy get that bad?

There is some of that for sure but it is still digestible.


What I would suggest is that if you have trouble digesting wheat and dairy or even fried food or fatty food and you avoid those foods that’s sort of like you can only eat and keep yourself pure to a certain extent. There is heavy metals, mercury for example that comes from coal mine plumes that cover all the organic vegetables and how you wash them they’re still there and if you cant eat wheat, dairy or fry foods you’re not going to be able to break down that mercury, its going to come in through here, its going to back in the liver and your blood and potentially into your brain and its actually very real and its happening a lot.


Stay with me for a minute and you’ll see exactly how this works.  Let’s say how man of you is having trouble eating wheat or dairy? One of the things that I want to do tonight is give you strategies, not only the detox bout to reset digestion because if we go ahead and detox all the fat cell right here, where do they go? Where do all the toxins go? We know for a fact that they are stores in your fat cells that is pretty much documented, even DDT from probably forty years ago is probably in our fat cells today and they can stay in there for a lifetime.


If you go pulling them out where do they go? The reason why they got there in the first place was why?  Because the liver didn’t know what to do with them, it was overwhelmed. Wouldn’t it make sense before we go shoveling out stuff out of our fat calls that we make sure that the liver knows what to do with it and that the villi are happy and the lymph system is functional and the detox an d the digestive pathways are optimal.


When these toxins come into your liver, the liver gets congested and what happens is your bile becomes thicker and congested. When your bile becomes thick and your bile becomes congested you don’t digest fats. We become lousy fat burners and many things happen when you become a lousy fat burner. We are supposed to be phenomenally fat burners, that’s what humans do they can go days without food; now I cant go hours without food. We’ve been told we should eat every two – three hours that have never happened before in the history of mankind. Matter of fact if you go to Europe and Italy they don’t do that. Most cultures don’t doo that; most of us were raised not to east snacks.


One of the things that happens when we become a lousy fat burner our bile becomes congested and we don’t burn our fat that well s we are forced too eat more frequently and when we eat more frequently there’s some issues with that and I’ll show you here.


If you have breakfast and then you have lunch and then you have supper, then you have a snack, like some nuts or an apple in between breakfast and lunch you’re going to burn the snack or the apple. If you have another snack in between lunch or supper you’re going to burn the nuts. If you want your body to burn fat wheat it should do is between breakfast and lunch it should burn fat and between lunch and supper it should burn fat and all night long it should bun the fat and break the fast with breakfast, that’s how it’s generally designed most cultures have been doing it that way for years.


Today, studies have shown that Americans, particularly westerners are not going into a fat metabolism at night any longer, they’ve lost their ability to be good fat burners. If you give the body meal-snack, meal-snack, meal-snack why would the body go into the hassle of burning it’s own fat? That’s the body will do it will get use to eating meal-snack, meal-snack, meal-snack. No question that if your blood sugar is really high and crashing if you open up a text book of medicine you’re going to see that the medicinal diet for that is eat three meals per day or six meals per day, little meals all day long and that will keep your blood pressure from going too high or too low but it will never get you back to being a good fat burner. You’ll never get the body to go from breakfast all the to lunch, all the way to supper, from supper all the way to breakfast and become a good fat burner.

Fat burner means you sleep through out the night really well. The second most common reason that people cant sleep at night is because they’re a lousy fat burner.


When people crave food during the day sugar, candy, Starbucks whatever it might be is because we’re not having energy that is stable throughout the day. One of the best thing about being a fat burner Is that you’re turning over the fat cells, forcing your body to detoxify and turn the soil but if you eat meal-snack, meal-snack, meal-snack why would the body be burning it’s own fat? Turning the soil it doesn’t do it.


We slowly feel better for a while, our pressure is not high or low so we feel a little stable but we don’t get the bodies back into a good fat burner, we don’t have a robust, long lasting endurance and energy that we really need.


I wrote an article comparing the research snaking six times per day vs. snacking three times per day, if your interested in that and I only have an hour and I actually want to teach you guys how to reset digestion and detox tonight    but I wrote an article about that and I did the research and I was shocked that there was no research out there that really proves having six meals per day works. People e says it revs up your metabolism and it increases thermogenesis, it makes you lose weight better, it’s simply not true there’s just no research to back it up. In our newsletter what we do is we put out twice per week a blog that cites some research and then we try to critique it and then once per week a pretty lengthy article that is well referenced and we usually talk about ancient <inaudible > principles and prove them with modern science. I really do as best as I can to really scrub and look at the research and I just couldn’t find anything to prove that the snacking was really that great.


For hyperglycemia it’s a medicinal diet but once you get your medicine and you get better don’t we get off the medicine?  Isn’t that what we should be going?  But we don’t in our culture anymore we get medicines and we stay on it for the rest of our lives.  It’s very important for us to realize that we can create a level of stability by becoming fat burners.


Here’s what happens, you bile becomes thick, you start craving more food, you don’t feel that good because you’re constantly feeling hungry


<Adjust presentation material> <demonstrates>


Here’s your liver and here’s your stomach and your stomach is producing acid and your liver is producing bile, when the acid comes into your small intestines the bile neutralized and your pancreases is over here and its also involved in neutralizing those assets but what if you have lots of stress banging away at your gut, the villi have gotten flattened out, your lymph system has gotten g congested and these toxins that the liver dumped here have been dumped back here, the bile has gotten thick and now you’re not producing  as much bile as you once did. What’s going to happen? You’re going to not be able to digest fats that well. You’re going to eat greasy food and feel terrible, you’re going to feel sick to your stomach, and it’s going to bloat you, possibly make you feel nauseous. If you feel any of those tings when you eat a really hard to digest creamy meal and I’m not saying that you shouldn’t eat these foods, I’m just saying that these hard to digest meals are sort of a test to see how strong your digestion is and therefore how well you are detoxifying.  If you’re not digesting well   then you’re not detoxifying good and that’s sort of a silent calculations of toxins that down the road can cause some real problems.

Spring Detox P2


Remember that movie The last emperor where the doctor smelled the emperor poop and went “ too much curd” and gave it back to him because they looked at his bowel movements which are actually an important part of our verbata and if you just look to your right you will be able to see what ‘s happening in your bowel movement. Sometimes because of a lot of stress banging away at the gut, the gut gets dry and you get constipated and you know what that is but the gut can produce mucus and you can actually see mucus in the stool. If you do that then you know for a fact that the villi are flattened out, bogged down with too much excess mucus.


Now that happens every spring in a little bit f a smaller scale.  Every spring the mucus production is heightened and the villi are bogged down and nature gave us the perfect prescription, lots of bitter roots like dandelion greens, dandelion is a great scrubber for the intestinal tract, its also a great lymphatic remover, its also a great diuretic. Dandelion in France they call it pissonlee id you know that? Which means to piss in the bed and every self-respecting french person knows that if you drink dandelion tea you’re probably going to pee in the bed.  Another French explorer came her and saw the same plant and called it dandelion, tooth of a lion, I don’t how they got their signals crossed in France but two French people named it two different things but the bottom line is this plant, the dandelion plant is such a good plant because not only does it scrub intestine villi of mucus and not only does it provide greens to fertilize the good bacteria in the gut but it also provides something else.


On the outside of your gut wall you have what is called the gut associated lymphatic tissue and that is where 80% of your immune system lies in the lymphatic system. On the outside of you gut wall is where 80% of your lymph is and that’s where most of the immunities lies.


How it works is wherever you have skin, you have skin on the outside, on the inside, around your repository tract, in your arteries, along your intestinal tract, on the other side of skin you have a lymphatic vessel waiting with an immune responders to pounce on any weird thing that gets through my skin. If I get hit by a mosquito then I have my lymphatic muscle it’s called skin and associated lymph on the other side of the skin ready to pronounce on whatever bug is tying to get through.

On the outside of our gut wall you can only imagine what gets through there and there’s all kinds of lymphatic muscle vessels to pounce on any weird, undesirable bug that might get through.


The dandelion for example is also a great lymphatic remover. One of our first major detox pathway is where toxins get into out intestinal tract and they try to get out through the intestinal villi into your gut associated lymph and I wrote an article in one of my videos called The most important half inch in your body. It is really, truly the most important half inch in your body and you have miles of it and if that is not happy and functioning well you’re not going to detoxify well.


If you don’t detoxify well the first thing that happens is that the toxins go all in your lymph and your lymph, the lymph is all the things that get in between the cells like protein, glutton and <inaudible> from dairy and all the stuff we don’t eat, toxin and parasite gets inside and between your cells and they cause hypersensitivity reactions, allergic reactions is what happens.


If your lymph is congested you’ll feel things like tiredness, heaviness, lethargy, your rings may get tight on your fingers, your ankles could swell and you could get skin rashes, you could feel achy joint s definitely stiff in the morning, your body hold on to water more, you can bloat when menstruating, most of the fluids is drained through the gut associated lymph and goes right through here and if the breast as well are becoming tender in an excessive manner, even in a small manner that’s an indication of lymphatic concession . It can cause headaches, allergies, and all types of hypersensitivity reactions.


Realistically, how many of is have something like that, some of those conditions?


It’s pretty common right?


The first thing that goes south in our body is our lymphatic system and they’re going south because the villi got congested and we didn’t properly clean them out and scrub them at the end of the winter with good bitter roots which is sort of now and greens in the spring and nature provides the final step to clean the lymph with many more leafy spring greens plus berries.

Anything that is red like a berry or a cherry is going to provide you with the lymphatic draining benefits.  That’s why at the end of the spring we’ve got cherries, we get all the berries so nature provides this incredible 1-2-3 punch which is the first part of the spring you get greens, the bitter roots to clean the villi then your greens to fertilize and then the berries and cherries to flush the lymphatic system.


That is such a critical piece of the puzzle in springtime and if we don’t do that things go wrong. Your lymph congest, your body congest, you become congested and toxic but the problem is the toxins will default; they wont be able to get through into your lymphatic system so what happens is the toxins fall back into your liver.



These toxins that we’re talking about guys are fat-soluble toxins pesticides, preservatives, heavy metals, environment pollutants. The ones that’s are really hard for us to get rid of are the fat soluble ones. The water-soluble toxins are very, very easy.  The liver has to take all these fat-soluble toxins and covert them into water soluble toxin so that they can be flushed out of the body through the kidney or through the intestinal tract.


What happens is the liver puts these toxins into the blood and the blood puts them into your fat. The fat cells have a saturation point.  There’s a limit to how much toxins we can stuff into our cells and once they become overwhelmed the body starts looking other places to put the toxins and one of the worst places they go is into your brain tissue and then w begin to get heavy metal toxicity in out brain, we get toxicity build up, that’s something’s that is actually very, very real and you wonder about people becoming cognitively compromised later on in life, you wonder if this didn’t happen twenty, thirty years ago your digestive process began to break down.


What we’re getting at here is your ability to digest well is your ability to detoxify well. If you don’t digest well you’re not going to detox well. If you have an issue with a digestive concern, either constipation or mucus in the stool or possibly any of these lymphatic indicators or possibly you don’t digest wheat, dairy or fried food very well and I’m not saying we should east dairy, wheat or fried food but we should, most of us be able to digest those foods.


Spring Detox

Date             April 26, 2013

Speaker/s     John Douillard

Title             Spring Detox


Hi everyone, thank you for coming out tonight. Couple of things about tonight that I want to talk to you about is we need to cleanse and why we need to detox. This is the last month of winter and there are things that we really need to do.

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Nature has a harvest and that harvests is a prescription for staying healthy. We have one month of winter left and then spring comes in there’s a whole new prescription laid out for us to again stay healthy.


In winner it’s very cold, it’s supposed to be cold and very dry it’s for sure dry right? And to the extent that we get extra dry in the winter, which we do, is to the extent that we actually make access reactive mucus in the spring in this so-called raining muddy season.


The idea is that nature in the in the winter time provides us with more meats and soups and stews in heavy higher fat higher protein foods kind of a Atkins type diet in the winter and if we followed the seasons and lived off the land that we would be a very high protein high-fat diet in the winter and that’s just what’s available; a much more dense food supply.


In fact the digestive system is in fact stronger in the wintertime. It’s like we turn the heat on in the winter and that strengthens our ability digest hard to digest foods.


In the summertime when it’s very hot the system gets actually weaker it’s weird right but we turn the air conditioner on in the summertime to stay cool.


One of the reasons why we survivors of  <inaudible, mic goes out>and we could actually persistence on and handle all of these heats and we have all these really amazing mechanisms to dissipate heat out of our body; one of which, from the Arabic perspective, is that in the summertime the digestive fire gets weaker and the foods are cooked on the vine, they’re cooked like the apple


So when you eat them fresh off the vine they are predigested, you don’t have to cook them. The problem we are eating burgers, milkshakes, fires and things that are not cooked on the vine when the body is not digesting in a very efficient manner.

The idea is that nature does provide a prescription for us to stay healthy and in the spring, which is right around the corner it’s a rainy, heavy, muddy time of the year and in Arabia its called Kova, it comes from the would cough which means it can be digested.


So in winter time the body is going to produce more mucus, not only in your sinuses but also in you intestines tract and all your mucus membranes are going to produce a lot of reactive mucus.  To the extent that you got dry in the winter it’s the excess to that in the spring and plus we get more congested and they call it the allergy season, your intestinal tract will get boggy




So the deer what they do in the spring time is that they chew on these micro greens which we know have 4-5 more nutritional value than the full grown plant does, micro greens are like the new cool thing and the deer chew on them.


The green valleys in the spring is like this fluorescent, chlorophyll rich green and what happens is and we should because the deer do, these deer eat these greens and clear out their intestinal villi. In the wintertime when we get dry and start to produce excess reactive mucus what happens to us is we produce a lot of mucus in the gut.


<Demonstrates to audience>


Here’s your intestinal tract here and on the other side of your intestinal tract you have your villi and they are mucus membranes. If they get dried out in the winter you get the excess reactive mucus and that mucus is going to bogged down and flatten those villi out.


The deer chew on the bitter roots, the rezones that come out of the ground in the early spring, they chew on the bitter greens, the bitter roots they dig up in the spring, before the little micro greens comes up   they dig up the little roots like dandelion, burdock root, golden seal and they chew on these thins and what that alkaloid rich greens do is they scrub the intestinal villi and clean that mucus that came from being extra dry in the winter and producing that active mucus in the spring.

The gut gets boggy so nature says we’re going to give you these fruits that we don’t eat anymore and clean out the villi. Once we clean out the villi and scrub them with these bitter roots we then eat these micro greens, fluorescent, chlorophyll rich greens and they fertilize the good bacteria in your intestinal tract. So your villi on the spring are reset for nature’s new year to function in an optimal fashion.


The villi in our intestinal track are huge, we have flatten them all out and it’s as big as a tennis ball court so it’s a huge number that we have but we also have a problem here, we have stress that impacts your intestinal tract.

In fact 95% of the serotonin in your body is produced in your gut, only five percentage of the serotonin is in your brain at any given time.  So we think that our brain is producing all the serotonin but the fact is its produced, manufactured and stored in your gut.


The reality is we process our stress through our intestinal tract. We’ve been doing it ever since we were kids, ever since we were tow or there year old and they made fun of your lunch pack at school and they made fun of your back pack and the clothes you were wearing and we had to process all of that stress through our intestinal tract. That does is it tends to stress out tat intestinal tract and then dry it out. When the gut gets dry we got constipated and kids don’t poop good. Nobody knows by the way if their kids are pooping good because nobody seem to ask the question.


I have a lot of kids that comes in my office and I always ask them “ how are your bowel movements “ and they look at me like “what?” and they’re mom and dad are like  “ I don’t know”, nobody seems to know. Its something that I wrote an article on recently, I don’t know if you guys saw my news letter but we wrote one called the Perfect Poop, it’s sort of the on going, non stop joke every time we have a meeting I have to bring up the perfect poop but it was really interesting what you’re bowel movements should actually look like and if it doesn’t look like the perfect pop then when what is it telling you.