Archive for the Detox Foot Patches Category

The Toxins We Love

by BodyPure The truth is sometimes so disturbing and unpleasant that we want to run from it; hiding one’s head in the sand, Ostrich-style.  What happened to the good ole days when there weren’t so many choices, advanced technology and scientific break-throughs?  Either there were fewer dangers in our households a century ago, or ignorance […]


Is The Raw Lifestyle For You? P2

Therefore what most people do if they can’t afford to take a nap or go for a run or something that’s going to deal with this issue that you that most people put themselves through each and every day; you go for coffee and you go for the stimulants and then now you’re pouring a […]


Is The Raw Lifestyle For You?

Date May 15, 2013 Speaker/s Khepra Anu Title Is The Raw Lifestyle For You? Khepra: Again I mentioned this is juice bar and we operate inside this space here, which is known as Dynamic Wellness. If you look around you will see books and supplements and things. Also I’m going to introduce and have him […]


Cleanse & Detox Lecture P6

  Freshwater saltwater allergies that’s going to give you the building blocks are All those little micronutrient fats that you need omega threes and omega six and it balance form too so your body produces the six and eights and nines that it needs. Wherever you get your greens source it good and have as […]


Cleanse & Detox Lecture P5

  Urination, what’s the urination? It’s directly related to the kidneys so that what we’re going to talk about fasting. You want to kidney flush, fasting in general, juice fast, master cleanse, water fast they’re going to start to clear out and make you urinate a lot anyway. If you need to drop some water […]


Cleanse & Detox Lecture P4

  The recognition of this and this is why I’m so passionate about this because most people go along “oh there’s nothing wrong, I’m symptomatic, I’m healthy, don’t talk to me and leave me alone” next thing you know their brother, mother, sister they’ve got issues cancers, chronic fatigue and <inaudible>. It’s so important that […]


Cleanse & Detox Lecture P3

  A lot of the toxic elements were made from brakes, vehicles, gasoline, engines and stuff like that. Who’s got a car? I got a car we what do we want to do shoot ourselves in the foot? Cars are no good, oil stocks, up let’s <inaudible>okay Get your ass walking down the street I […]


Cleanse & Detox Lecture P2

This is uncommon knowledge because we go to the dentist, we drink the water, we listen to a politician’s going this is good for you but we don’t check anything we’re like those guys have our best interest at hand.   Maybe they’re well meaning however, if you start looking into scientific research and study […]


Cleanse & Detox Lecture

One of the main things I like to do at the beginning of the year is cleanse and detox so I come out of the gate strong.  We go into the New Year, we set our intentions, our goals the antiquated notion is new years resolution but the higher principle of course is setting your […]


Spring Detox P6

  When you drink a big glass of water fifteen minutes before the meal, on the other side of the stomach there’s a buffer that’s about 80% water, so if you drink a lot of water twenty minutes, fifteen minutes before the meal that hydrates that buffer and the body is like the buffer is […]