The Toxins We Love
by BodyPure
The truth is sometimes so disturbing and unpleasant that we want to run from it; hiding one’s head in the sand, Ostrich-style. What happened to the good ole days when there weren’t so many choices, advanced technology and scientific break-throughs? Either there were fewer dangers in our households a century ago, or ignorance was bliss. Whatever the reason that brought certain information to light about dangerous substances, toxins, poisons and pollutants that affect human beings health-wise, we certainly can not turn a blind eye. The best way to make our lives healthier now, in the 21st century is to understand the dangers and reduce them the best we can. Reduction of exposure, along with a natural detox regimen can serve to combat the constant exposure. We know you have many alternatives for natural detox, but amongst the easiest and most effective are foot detox pads (something that we know a little bit about 😉
The Columbia University School of Public Health has determined by a study that 95% of cancers are caused by diet and environmental toxins. These same toxins are dangerously affecting animal wildlife such as birds, polar bears, panthers, alligators and frogs. A British Medical Journal has gone further to suggest our lifestyles as well as the environment cause 75% of cancers.
Tests have proven that as many as 300 man-made chemicals can show up in the human body. As soon as we are born, we start breathing tainted air, absorb toxins through our skin, swallow food and drink water with contaminants and some of us even add dangerous habits like smoking and ingesting dangerous substances on purpose.
What can an average person do to keep the toxins absorbed during a lifetime to a minimum? What products that most consider harmless, actually contain toxins? What changes can a person do in their household NOW?
The most common toxins found in the human body and their sources:
- Aluminum
- Antacids, cans, cookware, cosmetics, cheese
- Arsenic
- Cigarette smoke, water, pesticides, glass
- Cadmium
- Batteries, air pollution, cigarette smoke, paint, seafood
- Lead
- Air pollution, ammunition, hair dye, paint, pottery, pipes, smoke
- Mercury
- Batteries, cosmetics, dental fillings, fish, thermometers, vaccines
- Thallium
- Electric eye openers, ant and rat poisons, semi-conductors, cocaine
- Arterial Plaque
- Produced in body from high fat diet, inactive lifestyle, sickness
- PCBs
- Air pollution, water, fish
- Vaccination Residues
- Measles, mumps, etc.
- Pesticide Residues
- Non-organic fruits and vegetables
- Chemtrail Residues
- Air pollution; thought to have been sprayed from planes for population control, weather manipulation, mass vaccinations and unproven government programs around the world
Scary, huh? These toxins in dangerous levels can cause kidney, heart and brain problems, osteoporosis, anemia, autoimmune diseases, cancer, nerve damage and learning problems. Lead pollution from gasoline and plant products that causes a ban in the 1970s still exists to a lesser degree and can cause problems to the nervous system, bones and blood. It is especially harmful to infants, children and pregnant women. Mercury levels are found in the ground we walk on and have been linked to autism and multiple sclerosis.
The major ingredient in the smoke from cigarettes that is harmful is Cadmium which when inhaled and ingested causes lung and prostate cancer, heart disease, anemia and autoimmune thyroid disease. This is true in both first hand and second hand cigarette smoke. Benzene and Toluene are dangerous chemicals found in breathing in fumes of gasoline, bug sprays, air fresheners and candles. Yes! Candles. Burning some types of candles can increase risk of asthma by 30 to 50%, affect the reproductive and endocrine systems and have been linked to leukemia and respiratory problems.
What can we do?
- When pumping gas, use the “hold-open” feature and stand upwind to prevent breathing fumes. Avoid topping off.
- Use nail salons that use quality products with non-carcinogenic toxins.
- Use bug sprays that are less toxic but you have to apply more frequently; soybean oil, lemon and eucalyptus, other plant based or citronella.
- Avoid burning scented candles in the home. Sorry! The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine have determined this to be dangerous because of phthalates that are not always listed as an ingredient. Use natural scents and flowers instead. Paraffin is petroleum sludge that releases carcinogens when burned. Some candle wicks add more danger as they are made of lead. Use soy or beeswax candles, or at the very least burn tapers instead of pooling tea candles and pillars. Avoid candles that are imported, cheap, have metal wicks, made of gel, called aromatherapy or are scented. Simmering homemade potpourri and using essential oils such as lavender is much healthier.
And as we mentioned briefly above, foot detox is a must for cleaning out the toxins that do inevitably get through – the easy to apply foot patch makes is effortless to keep a regular detox maintenance.
Without affecting your happiness and quality of life, do what you can to reduce the dangers of environmental toxins. Avoid known dangers like cigarette smoking, amalgam fillings, pesticides and polluted water and molds. Never use plastic in the microwave, and use glass, cast iron and stoneware whenever possible in the kitchen. Use natural ingredient products. Taking off shoes when entering a home avoids contamination of carpets and filters on water supplies can remove harmful contaminants. See your doctor regularly, perform a regular natural detox, and include exercise in your life.
– Ari Vinograd, CEO, Wise Choice Health, Inc
Is The Raw Lifestyle For You? P2
Therefore what most people do if they can’t afford to take a nap or go for a run or something that’s going to deal with this issue that you that most people put themselves through each and every day; you go for coffee and you go for the stimulants and then now you’re pouring a problem on top of another problem.
I talk about like basically you’re breakfast really should be really should be no breakfasts. Breakfast should be water, fluids, and things high in moisture.
We we’re coming off of a fast or sleeping, we’re coming off the breath and then we transition it into food by bringing in high fluids lots of water, lots of fresh juice and fruits if anything. Anything physical.
Then by twelve o’clock now you have energy because that thing is that
The rest of the rejuvenation that you received from the eight hours or however many hours you slept you’re able to continue, you’re not taking away or you’re not cheating yourself by bringing this food that you now are forcing your body to deal with. By eating your biggest meal and probably only meal in the middle part of the day you know you got the assistance of the sun. The middle part is where we really should reserve our greatest physical task and there is nothing more greater physically than the breaking down of food and we really want to sort of delay the heavy breaking down of proteins and fats for the middle part of the day.
It could be anywhere from as earliest as 12:00 to maybe as late as 4:00 or 5:00 or 6 o clocked. After 6 o’clock you really don’t have anything heavy
You really wanted to sort of mimic how you start the day by finishing the day with something light. You really giving your body a chance twenty-four hours to break down heavy foods.
So are you green and that’s really the first key of at least making a transformation to do a raw foods is making this part of your lifestyle.
The second key is what I had talked a little bit about which is the importance of detoxification, our regular detoxification. This is my new book, it came out this summer. Basically this book started about seven years ago when I started doing fasting basically with groups .I was doing this on my own people were asking me for guidance and advice and I came up with the idea to do group fast. There are times during the year which is more advantageous to fast than others like with the change of seasons people naturally go into detox schedule I mean this is the whole flu season.
Everybody is detoxing. Like I said the body is designed to heal and cleanse. When we catch the flu or catch a cold we haven’t caught anything. Basically the body is trying to stop you from doing what you’ve been doing which is overeating and overeating too much bad stuff. So it’s like you shut the appetite down, you create congestion and things of that nature and then what you should be doing is really going with.
Drinking lots of water allowing the body to flush via the kidneys, rest.
If you’re working all the time you really owe it to yourself to rest the mind. We go home and myself too, we go on the computer and we’re
Constantly stimulating and even when I’m no t here I’m working.
So it just so important to get that rests that’s what detox is all about. Detox is really when you do a voluntary detox you doing your you’re being proactive in a sense that before the healing crisis comes you’re going to basically say “I’m going to fast for a couple of days, I’m going to give the digestive system a rest”. If you’re eating everyday you’re your digestive system is working non-stop 24/7, 365.
It takes the could take for meal to go from one end to the other day it could take at least 24 hours probably 36-48 hours probably longer depending on what it is. If you’re eating food that is not water based there is going to be basically debris. There is going to be things left in the body is not going to fully be able to eliminate whatever you’re bringing. So you’re going to have build up and with the increased build-up then that’s what forms the seeds of disease especially cancer because you may be weakening some area and that area the body might use it as a dumping ground and that’s the seed for tumor.
This is not overnight. This is 10, 20, and 30 of the body trying to manage waste. Ultimately what is up happening is that it starts to become something living and then that’s when we call a cancer. It will start to grow hair and form teeth and by then you go to the doctor to get it cut out. A lot of times that may be the best thing to do is to is the surgery
But the thing is that we don’t want to get to that point. We don’t want to get to that place. We have degenerated greatly and we allow ourselves
To get to that point.
By periodic fasting it’s like you turning that energy they it has been using non stop 24-7, 365 for digestion can now be used for healing.
We really owe it to ourselves to take periodic breaks from food. No matter how good your diet is, no one is immune, no one is above. Anybody that tell you they don’t need it that’s addiction. The question again is raw food diets for you?
You have to really seriously consider fasting. Fasting is paramount importance and again I cant overstate that that the fact that there is no herb, there is no magic pill, there is a lot of alternative therapies out there and I’m not debunking those not be protein does but again the body’s own intelligence the body’s all magnificent to heal and to regenerate itself is second to none.
So that’s the second key. The third key is your education. You know you essentially have to be calm as a raw food scholar, there’s a lot of information, there’s a lot of tools, there’s a lot of resources out there.
Especially even with the advent of YouTube and the Internet. There’s just a ton of information out there.
Basically I would encourage you to
To read.
Reading is like
Eating because
You’re reading we’re feeding ourselves, we feel our minds.
When I began really starting to do this and after a really informative
Book, it
Really supercharge me
To the point where slight you’ll give me so much inspiration and you need that inspiration especially in today’s world. There is so much
Competition, there is so many forces out there vying for your attention.
You have to really take the initiative and really understand that
What you feed your mind is ultimately how your spirit, your body how everything especially how you eat is going to follow. So education is critical.
The fourth key is becoming a raw food chef. Part of what I do for a living is preparing raw food. Obviously I provide that as a service. I do have a few questions that he here almost every day but for most of us even if you treat yourself you’ll still need to get some raw food acumen. You’re going to have to learn how to how to make a salad. I’m sure that doesn’t sound too complex but the thing is that I think it’s also good to because when I started this it was fruits and salads and that gets old. So becoming a raw gourmet chef that helps because you know and learning how to be dehydrated,
Is The Raw Lifestyle For You?
Date May 15, 2013
Speaker/s Khepra Anu
Title Is The Raw Lifestyle For You?
Khepra: Again I mentioned this is
Aaron: Good afternoon and welcome to Dynamic Wellness everybody. Good afternoon I’m the other author here that’s on site. The title of my book is The Obesity Myth: If you’re not overweight your over waste. I’m a holistic health consultant and bringing the same kind of energy that Khepra brings to Dynamic Wellness to keep everybody Dynamically well. The Obesity Myth: you’re not overweight your over waste. I do a class on Mondays at this time from 6:30-8:00. It’s entitled breath mastery an internal fitness.
Like Kehpra focused is getting the organs clean and healthy so everyone can live disease-free
Handle everything out here on Sundays and come on down.
Khepra: I’m going to get right in to today’s lecture that I’m really excited about today. Just something like this similar, any of you were here last year lecture? Great. This would be good because actually I’m going to summarize my lecture last year because it deals with what I’m going to talk about today, which is the raw food lifestyle for you.
I came up with the topic is the raw lifestyle for you because just to tell you a little bit about my journey of the raw food movement. I started eating raw foods primarily as my diet in the year 2000. So it’s been about thirteen years and since that time I’ve seen have seen the raw food movement really grow. I’ve also come to open up this business
But also you’re everyday peers, your family, these are the things that often present roadblocks in the way of looking to transform your health. Because at the end of the day that’s what we want .we want to look better, we want to look more vibrant, we want to look better, we want to feel better and then some people get into this because of sickness, disease because they want to live. The C word, cancer when that strikes we can go into panic and that will to live, that desire to live
Lot of times that cancer, once that takes life, once that takes a hold of your life because that’s what it looks to do.
It looks to thrive on you until you die. The thing is at that point would we do? Oftentimes for some people it could be too late just from you know our lifestyle habits and work. What we’ve done what we haven’t done for decades. Oftentimes it’s just realistic to turn it around either in a few weeks or a few months etc. but the body is an amazing vehicle
And we really need to start treating it as such and by treating it as such,
What we give to our self is what we will receive. We have to do the things now before it gets too late because we’re aging.
Like I said the body is a natural regenerator and if we just we treat it right, we get proper rest we fast periodically we can allow the body to
Regenerate it. There’s no herb, there is no supplement, there’s no treatment out there that’s more powerful than the body’s ability to self heal.
There’s a catch. The catch is that we have to get out of this way in the best way to get out of this way is to periodically going on fast. You can do juice fasting. I like coconut water, coconut water fasting, water fasting, I’ll go through that and I’m going to go through that more in detail but again bringing it back to is the raw food lifestyle for you, like I said when I got into this initially at that time I think a lot of people were driven to raw foods not because they were sick.
It was almost like this idea was going around that you could be superhuman. That you could actually live and really thrive. That’s what I believe the whole
This came about in this most recent time where we have the explosion of today’s raw food movement so we had the advent of super foods, we had raw food guru’, going around the country and promoting raw food lifestyle and this is all great. This is something that I really took on personally. The desire to live the best life possible that was my motivation. I think that for all of you out here who are thinking about it again its something that helped that and me worked for me.
When you ask the question is it raw food lifestyle for you, you have to find what works for you. Now I’m going to go through five keys to becoming raw because that’s what I talked about last year. For the new year people are looking to make lifestyle changes, they look into their new year’s resolution, they want to make this year and every year the best year possible .I gave the lecture and I was talking about five keys becoming raw .so we’re going to go through those and … in addition to going through those I want to basically through out some ideas and thoughts in terms of how that may fit or how that may work for you or how that may not work for you.
Because one of the keys is going to determine, I mean basically when you look at them collectively it’s going to give you your foundation the move forward in this direction or not.
The first keys are you green? And basically what it deals with is sugar and when you understand that sugar is everything. Everything that we eat has to break down into a simple sugar. Regardless if it’s for fruit a vegetable, a nut seed, meat, a dairy these things all have to break down into simple sugars in order for us t o get benefit.
We become addicted to process sugars and when I say processed sugar I mean the starchy foods, breads, flour, cereals it starts to study for the it process. These things are what I call empty foods. They’re very much filler but they’re very low in nutritional scale. Very empty in terms of calories and you’re providing a filler but a lot but in essence they’re not nourishing us on a cellular level. The thing is that we think about our body we think about we know that we are predominantly water and when we look at this piece of bread and there is no water.
You know the party has the basically the body has to break this down, it has to hydrate it in order to get any value out of this. These foods are really sucking away at our life energy, at our life’s blood and that being water.
So any time you’re eating pasta and breads and things that don’t have any more moisture, the body is looking to extract water out of all of our food so if there is no water component to any of the food that you are eating then that’s a recipe for disaster In short-term and in the long term. So when I say are you green the thing is that we really got to make green is the focus of where we get our water from and the reason is because when you’re looking at acidic foods you looking at starchy food
Those are highly acidic foods.
Green is alkaline and the thing is that with our green foods not only we have water but we also have minerals and the thing is that the minerals is what we’re missing .the minerals is what give it the bitter taste. When were eating
So again when I’m asking is raw food diet for you this is a situation where at least physically, in terms of our taste buds, in terms of where we’re at physically that’s probably the greatest challenge you’re facing.
Is it realistic for you to give up those things, to give up the breads and the cereals and the rice and all the processed foods? That’s the real question and again you know and again part of making that transition is replacing those things with primarily green foods.
A lot of people tell me they have a green smoothie in the morning that’s a good way to start the day versus if you’re doing like heavy cereal, pancakes. Traditional breakfast foods are the worst foods because are very much starchy foods that really get the blood sugar going but what happens is that at lunch time you eat you traditional breakfast, oatmeal or your cereal and you say “ oh this is healthy, this is vegetarian “and then by the time you have lunch your breakfast is still on your stomach. Then you follow and you put lunch right on top of breakfast and now if you’re working at a desk, you’re not moving around, you’re not burning that food then you got two meals sitting right on top of each other. The body goes into basically a rest mode because it has no energy for nothing else like. All of this energy is being zapped to trying to digest these two meals you put it right on top of each other.
Cleanse & Detox Lecture P6
Freshwater saltwater allergies that’s going to give you the building blocks are
All those little micronutrient fats that you need omega threes and omega six and it balance form too so your body produces the six and eights and nines that it needs. Wherever you get your greens source it good and have as much as you want too cause its powder form, it’s going to in liquid juice up. You really feel power on this too.
I feel great on my one day fast too tons energy. You do yoga the first thing the morning, I get up at five o’clock morning no matter what you put in you want to make sure it’s moving and you know it’s moving when you’re on a fast because all of a sudden you’re like <makes sound> and the salt is going, you’ve got the flaxseeds you’re like” wow man I didn’t know something like that could come out of me”. Get the bat night clay in there, get some fiber and add the powders, take the herbs.
When you’re organs are resting you can have whatever you want that is liquid or organic, fresh squeezed. Remember fresh squeezed you don’t want to be buying an enzyme devoid nutrition when you’re on a fast. You’re scrubbing the particles out and you’re getting the toxicity out therefore you don’t want to be putting any back in. your skin brushing, drink pure water, you’re fdrinking fresh squeezd organic juics and you’re taking herbs to target the organs.
If you’re doing a five-day fast or something simple even if it’s a ten-day fast, day one and the last day are raw foods. Instead of breaking the fast and start eating raw nuts and raw avocados go a lot lighter than that because those level of fats
Might be too toxin on your system so you want to breakdown more with like salads fruits and stuff that and watch that you don’t over do it with the fruits because of course fructose spikes the glycemic index and everyone is predisposition to collagen spikes is quite different so you want to keep your eye on that. I do recommend back to the mercola thing try its nutritional typing sees where you’re
But I did like he said try gluten-free for sixty days and the reason I like that because one of my yoga teachers alley Hamilton, I hadn’t seen her in a year and she had a couple of kids and I saw her and I was like “allie?” she’s like” yeah I’m gluten free nobody can recognize me anymore “all the inflammation went out of her face, she lost weight, she lost all of the baby stuff palace information about the fact that stuff and the kids, “ so I’m on it right now and I like it, I got less inflammation , I don’t get the gut stuff.”
Apparently its this celiac disease, I don’t believe in diseases first of all because were more powerful than that, however there is a linguistic term called celiac. Apparently you’ll have gut issues because of the grains and <inaudible> and they were not fermented and some other theory and I think it might have some applicability to me or somebody else. I’m <inaudible> the stone on that one, makes sense? Gluten free?
Any body heard of it? Try it out if it floats your boat. I kind of like it.
Cleanse & Detox Lecture P5
Urination, what’s the urination? It’s directly related to the kidneys so that what we’re going to talk about fasting. You want to kidney flush, fasting in general, juice fast, master cleanse, water fast they’re going to start to clear out and make you urinate a lot anyway. If you need to drop some water weight quickly I recommend just going for the purest coffee that you can get made in espresso that will dump enough water just like that. I recommend watching your coffee intake because caffeine dilate you adrenals and it can< inaudible > your minerals out of your body so you want keep a close balance of you coffee intake.
Don’t be main line thorough an IV of a quart of an espresso when you live in Italy like me. You don’t want to do that, you can burn yourself out because the <inaudible> life force center energy. Defecation I think everyone with cleansing should really consider cleaning out the colon first. That’s the first thing, you want to do it couple times a year. Wholefoods has got some great products for that. I personally like doctor Shultz formula, it’s been working for me, I like it.
Large percent of the population is concentrated anyways and I recommend that you find something that works for you so you’re defecating a few times a week.
Poop is really important. You want to be pooping one or two times a day .you get 36 feet of intestines in there so you know couple big poops per day you want to reach towards that however you can get there. I just finished the seven days fast and I was still pooping big poops twice per day. Seven-day fast only liquid and herbs and I’m still popping so that goes to show there’s a lot up there, dandelions I believe saved my liver. I read about it but before I got into a big drug and alcohol phase bob and I was an alcoholic that would drink and I would snort cocaine stamp twenty-four hours a day so I could drink more and I chain-smokes cigarettes. I smoked for 25 years a most people don’t realize that. Cleansing your tissues makes a difference in fact it makes all the difference and I believe the dandelions save my liver.
It’s a great director liver tonic. Another good liver tonic is the good friends celery .now the doctrine of signatures on celery is it and the doctrine signature is you cut up in a wall nut it looks like your brain, you cut open a tomato it looks like your heart, you cut open a carrot it looks like the iris of your eye, you snap a celery stalk it sounds like a broken bone.
It’s 23% or 25% sodium and so are your bones and it s about the size of a bone, doctrine of signatures .so this is a great diuretic greens are just super animalistic when it comes to energy and cleansing and detoxifying. It gives your body so much energy so that your organs and your enzymes can rest and your enzymes can start to eat at the other stuff. The enzymes can start eating at undigested protein solids, arterial plaque anything that’s in its way.
When you stop fasting like <inaudible> said but to eat when you’re sick is to feed your sickness. When you’re fasting the enzymes can start teat the sickness, the body can start healing itself, clear the blockages and the body automatically starts healing itself, the body will start to eat itself and then start to eat that material that would no longer belong in there. Its innate intelligence, god created us that way. Its called autogenesis the body will automatically heals itself when you have
The proper nutrition in the body and or you clears out the blockages.
Got into <inaudible> and I hear they are about to outlaw this, the <inaudible> is going to outlaw this in <inaudible>this is one of the ingredients in one of Dr. Shultz formulas that I like for the intestines its < inaudible > and so this is just a simple herb that I got into that helped move my colon early on if any of the watch I would any things that are.
Laxatives even if they’re mild is you don’t want to create imbalance in your body to everybody depends upon them. Another great herb to utilize that’s available almost anywhere and it accelerates any of the other herbs that you use is cayenne pepper; it’s good for the circulation. Milk thistle I mean world renowned for the liver purification .if you go once you decide to go into a fast and I recommend you get a book, you get a counselor, you get someone that’s going to help you with this if you haven’t done it before. You try one day, you try three days, you try five days me being the animal that I am I jumped straightforward and went and did the ten-day fast and I do a ten-day fast every year. Then I started doing more five-day fast four times a year.
The milk thistle is excellent for scrubbing that are the liver <inaudible> the milk thistle and the dandelions and cleaning out the liver you want the liver clean, the liver is directly related to the skin and the skin directly related to the hormone, some of those things those imbalances and your body filters everything through the liver.
Once again all the pollution and stuff that’s why you want to keep these organs
Pumping. Everybody’s heard gallstones, kidney stones, cataract, diverticulitis, these are clogged tubes all of them. The bat night clay night clay could go into the pockets in your intestines get gas and potentially some heavy metals some other stuff it’s like putting a mask on your face but like a having a mask in your intestines it soaks up all those toxins and stuff. Where do you get your exfoliation a dry s skin brush? You want to do circular motions away from the heart towards the heart starting with the extremities bring for that energy of the blood up through the skin and allowed to get released.
Get it going everywhere in your private parts, the whole nine. Blotches come up. Why the blotches? Because there’s a stagnation points. This is my secret weapon for detoxification and that’s something you can do daily. Another thing you can do daily
Is hot and cold showers that the bare minimum rinse off with cold water.
For men it’s great for testosterone. It’s called water therapy its been used for ages and so its good for circulation, its good for limb flow because remember the heart has pump for your blood but your water, your cleansing fluids everything that keeps you lubricated doesn’t have a pump so your pump is either walking or
It’s moving that’s why does trampolines a popular. However I bought a trampoline, I didn’t use the thing. I live on the beach <inaudible> take your shoes off walk, barefoot.
Trampolines are good if you live in Alaska. The fact the matter is take your shoes off you got to get off that limb and get everything moving, do some stretching, some face stretching, get in there. Move your own body move it or losing remember that and dry before you
Get into the shower and you will see it will <inaudible> old skin. Before people that
Are starting out and doing fast I recommend you go the first da with raw food salads, soups, cold soups, juices, you kind of don’t want to don’t do cook foods that day
But you do a little avocados possibly some nuts, little bit of fruit
Fruits are good on the first day of a fast, start easing into. Get off the coffee for the fast though go to let the coffee go and the headaches will come but just ride it out to because the emotions and the detox will happen. When you do a flush I like ginger
Apple juice olive oil .I would do a tablespoon and build up through five days.
It’s garlic and ginger and apples and olive oil those start loosening up the gall bladder, the gall stones and kinds of stones that you got in their. You can also do they saltwater flush. Salt water flushes two tablespoons of your best salt you can purchase in a quart of water. Anybody know a better recipe?
First thing in the morning you’ll be pooping in an hour or so and it all starts coming out then you can start off with your morning juice the juice ten man has tons of recipes, the justice man still is alive by the way he’s eighty-five I interviewed him last year. Peas are great for cleaning make sure you use the greens I like vegetable juice strained, if you cant handle the taste, you’re new to this stuff carrots and apples will sweet anything up.
Drink pure water as many juices as you want per day. If you’re hungry drink more juice. I recommend greens on a fast I don’t like a lot of <inaudible>, a lot of stimulated super foods, essential great foods what a good company this is. Kip strode anybody know this guy? He’s a wonderful human being. He’s got an incredible product line and he treats his indigenous partners in the rain forest good like we do. I like this gut a lot. You see this label essential living foods support that company ’cause it’s good. He’s got a high protein <inaudible> super food mix.
You know when you see the essential food living foods label it’s the highest quality source of everything he’s going to sell on the market and you’re going to get the best.
Cleanse & Detox Lecture P4
The recognition of this and this is why I’m so passionate about this because most people go along “oh there’s nothing wrong, I’m symptomatic, I’m healthy, don’t talk to me and leave me alone” next thing you know their brother, mother, sister they’ve got issues cancers, chronic fatigue and <inaudible>. It’s so important that we recognize where the food chain is, what these things mean what GMO mean. I don’t believe in the anti Christ I’m a positive human being however I believe GMO are the anti Christ as human beings we have the all be crusaders for the planet and make a stand and say not from my blood, not from my brothers and sisters blood, not for my children’s blood not for anyone else is blood and you open up the mouth that’s what God gave it to you for.
It’s not about stepping on people’s toes it’s like making a stand because who else is going to do it? Who voted for change of Barrack Obama and hope and all that?
What happened? Nothing because the bankers run everything, their elites, their shadow governments are behind everything but I want to go they’re really need to go there we just have to recognize, hold the questions for later tomorrow, I got to get to the cleanse and detox. I went totally sideways and I have to come back over here.
I recommend eating organic food only if you could talk to the farmer, if you look in the eye and <inaudible> okay fine no problem do the best you can because remember neurosis is a mental disorder and that’s a sickness. Always do the best you can without going neurotic, does that makes sense to everyone? Do the best you can without going neurotic. Most people casually assume that they are healthy or their sick yet they’re grades in between. Just because one is a symptomatic does not mean they are radiantly vital
And that’s what we’re after.
We need conscious clear coherent human beings that know the truth and stand up for it no matter what, like MLK, Martin Luther King. He wasn’t taking no-nonsense,
Well Malcolm X woke up is that brother taking any nonsense? No. The machine doesn’t savior wolf tickets and nonsense for other people. That’s what’s required on this planet this conscious clear clean human beings thinking for the betterment of humanity. Seven principles of health we covered that, clean air and water those are both dirty so you got to clean that out your tissues that’s why we’re going to get to this. Sunshine the sun is good for you. Who made up the sun is bad for you? The chemical companies the sun is good for you take off your sunglasses, your body secrete a hormone there’s fifteen hundred sibling sunshine ray in there it’s not just blue, green, purple red, yellow and orange. There are fifteen other elements in the light spectrum.
Take your sunglasses off when you’re out this time because there are hormones that are released that protect you against the sun. You don’t see the indigenous people and sunglasses right? I got that information from Robert Costar and if anybody’s seen that guy he is ripped to the bone so I would listened to at least half of what he’s got to stay, the other half…
He’s an animal, he’s ripped to the bone and he’s fifty years old. Sun is good for you twenty minutes a day, seventy percent of your body do the best you can, that sun is good for you. Sunscreen? Wear a hat or a shirt and eat anti-oxidants.
Anti-oxidants are out of our food supply because the foods depleted. Eat the reds, purples, stuff that’s going to be powerful anti-oxidants. Human being is designed to move through time and space like this. < Demonstrates> in fact I interviewed a ninety five year old guy a couple of weeks ago he was in the bank then he goes “oh
Ninety five” and “I said hey buddy what’s the secret to life” and he goes “ keep smiling and walk”, my grandmother used to say move it or lose it.
Whole Foods what does that mean? Organic, whole food is the best you can get. I just went on the gluten I think that’s applicable to a lot of people on this planet. <Inaudible> nutritional typing it’s free. Most people shouldn’t be vegetarians apparently, according to him and I actually believe that 6% are the studies behind that.
Western Price’s all body of work and then Sally Falcon also talks about that and Paul Check so for any of those none meat eaters out there they’re feeling a little sluggish and its not working for them review it for yourself.
Western prices who found out his whole body of research all over the planet with indigenous cultures was that there were no successful societies that were vegetarians. It’s not my work I’m just repeating what I heard however my own experience I didn’t do very good is vegetarian.
I was paying attention to the dogma and I got sicker and sicker until one day I had pizza and I felt great. And I was like let’s review this that’s my experience, I’m not telling you what to eat however if you’re going to eat an animal makes sure its grass fed. <Audience speaks in the background> the funny thing is Kelly and I set this up before the talk however I just rambled for forty five minutes and its like green juice hits the spot.
I started out carrots for about seven years with carrot, apple, I switched over to green juice about thirteen years ago and nothing is more energizing and in honor of this this talk today I fasted.
I started a fast yesterday afternoon and I love one day fast because they’re so powerfully energizing. In the Chinese and Indian culture you would actually fast on the day you were born, I was born on Thursday. Today’s not Thursday however in honor of this talk I figured I would fast.
Enzymes <inaudible> juicer will dissipate within fifteen minutes. Hammer your juices it’s okay. Their pre digested, loving relationships and the opposite of that of course are toxic relationships so we want to keep an eye on that. What might be wrecking our own frequency vibration if somebody’s given us a pain in the neck we might want to review that relationship and impassioned what turns you on. All of these great motivational speakers Wayne Dyer, Gary Knolled, Tony Robbins
They said flat out find your passion the money will follow.
It only makes sense right? I don’t get paid for a lot of stuff I do. Most of my YouTube videos are not a direct link to cash, I make no money off of this talk here however I love to do it and I know that I’m taken care of, I’m building market share and soon enough I will dominate the world with my health talks. To the body is made up of tubes, vein, ventricles, arteries, <inaudible>, retina, you’re totally tubular dude.
Anybody ever heard of that joke before? Don Tolman the Whole Foods cowboy is awesome. Your intestines are thirty-six feet of tubes. Ninety percent of the issues are either clogged tubes, smashed tubes that’s basically it. Even the bones are tubes there’s marrow going down the middle of them. How do you clean the tubes?
There’s only five ways respiration perspiration urination defecation and exfoliation
That’s it.
I did hot yoga this morning, you want to wring out the barnacles and just wring
You out go do some hot yoga. 110 degrees, you sweat for an hour and a half and you do yoga moves to get it all out. Fire infrared sauna, in the sun, with a sweatshirt on, with a fat suit on whatever you want to do sweat. Sweating is great for you and I don’t recommend clogging your under arms up with commercial underarm deodorant because it blocks them in.
You want to get those stuff out there, we’re all animals learn to love your smell.
That’s what the <inaudible>, that’s what the chicks get on the <inaudible> animals. When you clean the body out you start smelling good, you smell like an animal not like a chemical factory.
Respiration any kind of cardiovascular, getting out there, walking, go out there for a brisk walk that’s going to elevate you, I really dig a lot of these breathing techniques
That are out there because you are bringing the breath up through and down the spine in the hips, you want to get the breath all in there and so lots of breathing especially in this hot yoga or <inaudible> yoga <demonstrates> you get the breath that stuck at the bottom of your lungs and diaphragm you get that stuff out.
Cleanse & Detox Lecture P3
A lot of the toxic elements were made from brakes, vehicles, gasoline, engines and stuff like that. Who’s got a car? I got a car we what do we want to do shoot ourselves in the foot? Cars are no good, oil stocks, up let’s <inaudible>okay
Get your ass walking down the street I don’t want to hear it from anybody. In the meantime we start advocating free energy, we start advocating these things, these higher concept principles, these higher principles that will help shift humanity and
You want us to support companies that are out there that are doing good.
You want to spend your dollars with companies you want to align them; you want to look at your ingredients on every single thing you buy. If it’s a preservative or chemical or a flavoring, flavoring and fragrance mean synthetic. By law it means synthetic so you have to look and make sure that either essential oils, if it’s a fragrance ort these other elements.
It’s in your highest and best interest to look at the ingredients and make sure that it’s a biological match four your human biology. Then don’t buy it because there are ten other products.
I moved to Los Angeles started studying acting .I hooked up with doctor Schultz and he became one of my mentors his dads and books embodied the information that I had studied the ten previous years and his catalogs for free and they were pretty juicy too. So I would hand them out and say “look study this” and they would be like “are you trying to sell me on something?” “ Yes I’m trying sell you on getting healthy, I don’t make any money off of it, however help yourself” when I told him that story I did that for five years he sent me a huge box of herbs.
One thing I learned from doctor Shultz is quality and the second thing I learnt from his was wild. Wild is the top of the food chain so you’ve got wild, then you have bio dynamic which means the birds that these all the elements of nature on that property. Then you’ve got Oregon Trail organic some of the higher rated organics, USDA organic commercial and GMO that’s the food chain on the planet.
God created the wild as a biological match and so as close as we can get to that match we have some wild products in here and I recommend trying. Wild as a higher vibration it’s exactly that it. I eat about 30-40% wild in my diet can you feel my energy? That’s wild. We’re animals, we have biological animals living in electric body, having chemical reactions in the spiritual experience but we’re physical animals the human being is a mammal and so we forgot that .the religious people said no we’re not were more than that and there’s been more people killed in the name of religion than any other facet on the planet.
Fact of the matter is honor your animal first we’re animals, we procreate,
We like to have fun, we like to brush up against each other, and we’d like to go for a swim we like to run on the beach, we like to have fun not drive in traffic and punch time clock and hate our lives. It’s about waking up to a higher concept principles and one of the best ways to wake up is start to clean your body and put the good high vibrational stuff into your system and then you start gaining that radiant health
And that passion and it starts going out to other people.
Five years after starting with the hot doctor Richard Shultz by somebody introduced me to the amazon herbs, amazon Johnny’s <inaudible>, Christian <inaudible>, Dr. James Harvard, Dr. James Duke some of the leading ethnobotnist on the planet. I became extremely aligned with the amazon herbs because of their mission and vision to save one of our most precious resources which is the amazon rainforest, their mission and vision is said to offer the world life-changing herbal remedies economically empower indigenous tribes who in turn get to stay on the ancestral lands and watch the rainforest for all mankind.
That’s a beautiful thing because I don’t know any other company out there that has that level of penetration into the symbiotic relationship of the human being applied to them modern world and it is going forward environmentally to change the world. That’s why I believe in something like Whole Foods because commerce has a big, major component of dictating the material world.
Anybody wants to dispute that? Look at computers and bill gates, look it look at Steve these are some of the biggest entrepreneurs on the planet that are shifting the consciousness on the planet I threw the amazon I had been down there, I’ve done <inaudible> the world’s most powerful uh… herbal medicine, I spent many years in silent meditation. What came to me when I was sitting in the amazon is this whole idea popped into my head because I’ve had a career in front of the camera for twenty years and I spent the last five years before I got into the amazon doing comedy and so my natural medicine background and my on-camera personality merged into the certified health <inaudible> that popped into my head in the blink of an eye and that made me laugh in the middle ceremony in the amazon rainforest.
That’s what I’ve been doing for the last three or four years is producing certified health, most of it you can see on the internet and of course I’m producing it for TV as well and I continue to educate myself, I continue to work with other people that have knowledge because I’m a sponge, give me some information. I don’t claim to know what all and I want to study with other people who have.
One of the guys I studied with last year is Don Tolima he’s the Whole Food cowboy
And this brother he studied the atamology and route concepts of words all the way back to the back to the Vatican, he made it to the Vatican library and found secrets.
He’s the one who gave me the elements from Pythagoras and Jesus on seven principles optimal health.
What he realized is that there’s an ancient word in Hebrew called EL and EL means God. There’s divine orchestration in languages in movies, it’s in everything but with divine orchestration of the language and so you take the elbow, God bows to the temple to the temple. We’ve got a couple temples up here it triangulates into our throat shocker thyroid and then our mendable triangulation into our all seeing eye to make the star of David.
The elbow god bow to the temple is pretty <inaudible> stuff however it’s going to resonate your heart. God bow to the temple, the El bows to the temple with tithes and offerings. The elementary tract is either the river of life or the river of death depending on what you feed it and then god will gift you back in the bowels that’s God battling back to you. Depending on what you feed the elementary track then God gifts you back with vowels so you can create with your speech, abaca dabra create with my words.
We have gotten so far away from that in the natural world. There’s a little of this stuff being peppered into the new age community. We create with our own words, with our intention, with our made up mind, with our clean blood, with a high vibrational mind that is thinking at an optimal level and we carry forth this message to each and every brother and sister that is in your way because once you are turned on we need another turn-on brothers and sisters on this planet.
Don’t hold your tongue when you know this information you share with every single person that you know. There’s toxic elements that are not made for the human body bloodstream, they’re not a biological match says in the ancient Old Testament never to grasp the hand of God. What is GMOs? Genetically weaving Agent Orange which is up biological weapons created in the Vietnam War by one of <inaudible> sister companies, its biological weapon that’s been interwoven in soy colona corn and cotton. These things are not meant for the human being body
They end up killing the other herbicides and pesticides woven into the genetic structure so there’s resistance to herbicides and pesticides. That ends up the killing off the floor and the fauna, the birds that these it saying a high frequency into these plants.
There’s a whole body of research called sonic gloomy where this guy created sounds of nature and they put it next to crops, these model culture crops out in Iowa and the crops just blew up because this thing has been missing because the floor and <inaudible> had been killed from the pesticides and herbicides.
Cleanse & Detox Lecture P2
This is uncommon knowledge because we go to the dentist, we drink the water, we listen to a politician’s going this is good for you but we don’t check anything we’re like those guys have our best interest at hand.
Maybe they’re well meaning however, if you start looking into scientific research and study aluminum, mercury, fluoride is highly toxic substances in the human being body. So how do you get these things out? Is there any mystery to anyone out there in the audience of why we have sixty seven percent obesity rates, chronic fatigue, fiber <inaudible>, Alzheimer’s on the rise autism on the rise, ADHD, depression sorts of brain dysfunction and disease and major health issues with living in the first world.
To me it’s not a mystery; it has to do with the pollution that’s in our society, contamination of the air, the water, the soil and the food. How do you get these things that your tissue because it’s constant barrage until we change, which is my mission on the planet is to create clean air water in soil for all of mankind to procreate peace on earth on this planet.
This is this is my intention it’s coming very soon because as soon as every man woman and child realize this and what is relevant to human species is clean air water and soil, food is free.
We take a seed, you put in fertile soil, and it grows and bears fruit. As we move through this awareness first and then we start voting with our dollars, buying products that are only good for the human being, only good for the earth then we can start making decisions for the better the future of our planet. Why? Because the politicians really aren’t listening. I did my protest in 2003, did a bunch of them.
Went downtown, went to Hollywood, nobody listened.
In fact everyone was at the UN and they were like don’t go in Iraq did they listen no and they are still over there and we’re fighting this war and its done now. Vote with your dollars that’s how you can really make an impact, we all have a choice because we all have dollars in our pockets and when you start to vote with your biochemistry in mind you take care of everything, it’s a symbiotic relationship. It’s the one way you can be an activist. There’s a whole lot of fast that are known to start out with an apple specially if you’re going to do a liver flush. I know a lot of information however I don’t know everything and I also want make this disclaimer I don’t know what’s right for you. You know what’s right for you.
I’m going to give you a myriad of different options for you to choose, a myriad of different options if so where you can move towards the best decision for yourself, there’s books that I can recommend, there’s fasts that I can recommend, first cleanses my that I can recommend without fasting, however, at the end of the day you’re going to have to make the best decision for yourself because you’re in control of your own situation.
I don’t teach food paradigms because I tried everybody through paradigms and got sick. To be a strong vital human being I’ve had to go through that and understand that. One of them one of the major elements that I got from veganism was clean food, so clean food was <inaudible>to be a clean human. If you’re going to eat meat
Grass fed the animals is meant to be grass, they’re not meant to eat grain. Grain creates gas in multiples stomach animals, gas in their system creates <inaudible> in their blood, <inaudible> is in their blood means <inaudible> in your blood< inaudible> in your blood is one of the three major components of cancer that with poor lymph flow and a low or no will to live.
One of the major things that allopathic medicine doesn’t look at. We have four bodies in the third dimension mental, emotional, physical and spiritual, the physical manifestation of what shows up in you is the last thing that’s going on everything else is going on inside of you mentally, emotionally and spiritually first and then it manifest on the physical last. Mental, you have your own thoughts positive or negative; emotional you forgive your parents or anybody who abuse you because those emotions that end up harboring negative energy.
I talked to a lot of cancer survivors or people that have had cancer, Louise Hayes whole body of work she was raped as a child, she got vaginal cancer and she beat it with chemo and it came back she said I’m going to beat it this time.
Maybe you guys have Louise Hayes book over here I recommend checking it out for people because the mental, emotional aspect gets overlooked in our society a lot and in the health field it gets more overlooked a lot too because this whole movement is about food which is physical.
Food you definitely want to be putting pure food in your body however it’s not everything because neurosis should I eat this, should I eat that David Wolfe says that Daniel Vital says, I’m so confused what do I do, I grew up in the eighties it was a high-fat, low carbohydrate, low carbohydrate high-fat Atkins, who am I, what am I doing here, who’s thinking my thoughts and so everyone is so confused they don’t know what’s going on it’s like how do you make your own decisions.
You educate yourself on clean food, you find out what’s best for you and then you move towards putting those elements in your body cleaning a kidney colon liver on a regular in constant basis. Mental and emotional aspect definitely
Look into that your spiritual connection.
One thing that I believe that is a direct spiritual connection is nature. We all live in one of the most, you go out to your backyard over their on Venice beach and you go to one or the most remote places on earth right the pacific ocean so we have nature here that is accessible in this city, you got the Santa Monica mountains, you got the < inaudible>that’s not too far, I recommend watching my video on how you <inaudible> changed my life. It talks about Galen Clark who was the first park ranger in the united states park service and he was given five months to live for tuberculosis in the eighteen hundreds. He went to <inaudible> cause he’s like an I’m going to die you know <inaudible> and so he went there and fifty-four years later the brother died, five months to live.
John miller writes about it in all his books, the healing powers of the water the mountain air. The energy of the granite rocks. All this energy end up healing and
Curing the brother. The cure for aids and cancers is your immune system. The cure
For anything is embedded in nature. In fact I got a good quote, the physician within “everyone has a physician inside him or her we just have to help it in its work” did they teach you this in school? I didn’t learn it in school. The natural healing forced within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Remember once again intention first I choose health. Most of the cancer people you talk to them they have a low or no will to live.
When I talk to people have a problem can you help me, first thing I ask them you want to live? And if they give me the “of course” that’s not a yes I’m looking for an emphatic yes because when you say yes that’s what’s going to happen because its your intention. Nothing is more powerful than a made-up mind. Food should be our medicine and the medicine is our food but to eat when you are sick is to feed your sickness.
Hippocrates, ancient philosopher, ancient wise man and the Hippocratic oath which is the essence of what the medical industry is set up for says “to do no harm “and that’s the Hippocratic oath which is directly related to Hippocrates. Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine is thy food. I’ve gotten so far away from it for the food chain that’s why whole foods is so important. That’s my store like Whole Foods is important for our society and the planet
As a whole because it provides source for where people can get it and it’s growing. It’s a good thing this commerce is growing, why? So it’s more accessible to more people and the power of the corporation to buy more that is good for the earth, the good practices because let’s face it nobody’s perfect.
Cleanse & Detox Lecture
One of the main things I like to do at the beginning of the year is cleanse and detox so I come out of the gate strong. We go into the New Year, we set our intentions, our goals the antiquated notion is new years resolution but the higher principle of course is setting your intention.
When we get clear up here nothing is more powerful than a made up mind. Salin monks believe they can walk through walls coupled with their meditation and their Kung Fu training they can.
My message is very simple, its biblical, its what Gandhi said, its become the change that you wish to see in the world. My message is very simple, a healthy me equals a healthy planet meaning how do we expect to see a healthy world if we are not healthy ourselves. When you start to dig in to what ancient knowledge know personal hygiene on the inside was an optimal component of critical health and you actually being your own doctor.
We have gotten a little far away from this because we have gotten far away from nature. We gave up our power a lot to other elements like the medical industry, the pharmaceutical industry these are the people with authority that can help our health that’s really not the way it works and you are starting to see it showing up in our statistics.
We’ve got 67% of the American people that are overweight or obese in three have cancer that’s after 1947 they declared a war on cancer pressing the united states declared a war on cancer and the cancer rate has grown exponentially with the amount of dollars they’ve spent. So if you look at the dollar rate of how much they’ve invested in cancer study and the actual incidence of cancer its indirect proportion.
So the study of disease begets disease the study of health begets health, it makes sense right. Whether it’s just to reset our intentions and to get very clear but it’s that clarity of mind, clarity of intent that is going to help you go through this world and create the world and that you desire because that’s really the way the world works.
We’ve been gifted by the creator to create and I’ll get into that in in a in a little while it it’s directly related to food and how we how we treat our bodies.
The Internet basically as the new TV people. Recently YouTube surpassed all the networks combined. The dollars haven’t followed yet but that’s all changing as we speak and so I believe the Internet will be one of the major components but the shift in consciousness on planet earth and it already is.
Facebook is phenomenal in that realm we get change things just by speaking our truth and grabbing a couple links here and there with some scientific proof to back it up or some doctors or good documentary, that way you get the naysayers on the internet saying “ no it’s not you don’t need scientific proof I didn’t hear that on the CNN, the president of the United States didn’t say that that’s not true.” “Well here’s a bunch of other people’s studies and documentaries and a whole bunch footage on that which is actually the truth.
The Internet I believe will be one of the great equalizer on planet earth. Twenty one years ago I was sitting in Milan in Italy I was a Versace model and if anybody knows about that industry, most people don’t, like most industries they look glamorous on the outside however they’ve got their underbelly of shadow and demons and that industry’s got a lot of them. The agents they’re really cut throat, a little bit a waterway and they’re like look you’re fat; that’s how the girls get all messed up with bulimia and anorexia coming out of the modeling industry and sell drugs alcohol it goes all hand in hand with that industry. My agents were like you’re fat and it was like nothing really changed, however, I grew up as an American thinking pop tarts and captain crunch was actually food. What I did was I went to the English bookstore in Milan Italy and I got a book.
One of my first book since fit for life which educating where it educated me on the elements of food or at least one people take on it. It really started to educate and move my consciousness towards educating myself of what food was and what my body was and how it function because they didn’t teach school. They don’t teach you about your liver and school, they don’t teach you about whole foods in school. In fact you go home and eat TV dinners in front of the TV that’s the American way. As I started to educate myself I started to realize that food is meant to be or its best assimilated its whole food form I realized that the cornerstone of what the entire ancient knew it was internal purification or hygiene.
We wash our cars, who knows that we have smog in LA? Anybody leave their car for a couple of weeks and what is that stuff anyone? Anyone not wax their car and now they need new paint job anybody? This happens at the actually don’t wax your car and you don’t wash it very often and so imagine those elements that are coming inside of your body. We’ve got to clean those things out because those things ends up in our tissues and a lot of these pollution elements and dust have been analyzed and what are they finding? They’re finding what comes out of the airplanes whether you call it camp trails or pollution, whether you call it conspiracy theory, whatever you call it ends up your tissues.
So how do you get those things out here tissues how do you purge the liver how do you cleanse the blood, the kidneys, and the colon? How does the body functions really that’s what we warn to look at and start to you know observe. The ancients utilized fasting and fasting is just a way of allowing your organs to rest while you’re still penetrating it with liquids, whether it’s fresh squeezed organic juices or whether it’s pure water; I don’t recommend the water fast for anyone unless they’re well verse on it, well-educated in it and probably properly supervised.
Don Tolman is a big speaker on Forty Day Water fast which is what Pythagoras and Jesus did and actually to get into the Pythagory in school and Pythagoras was the only brother allowed Egyptian temples other than the pharaohs and Pythagoras and his whole school was setup to get into a school you had to do a forty day fast and then you couldn’t speak for a year.
The brain is mostly water and we still those waters when we can start to think clearly still them and also cleanse them. What do the ancients know from Pythagoras to Jesus to <inaudible> to Greeks, what did they know, they know inner hygiene.
There’s seven principles optimal health and they go like this clean air, water, sun shine, wholefoods, walking, loving relationships and passion.
The atomology of passion passing ions. 51% of what people buy from you is not product knowledge. Jesus was the greatest salesman doesn’t forget that. We’re always just sharing concepts and upgrading people especially if you got something good upgrading people the higher ground concepts. When you’re working with people but people are buying from you your enthusiasm, your passion.
They’re not buying what you’re selling they’re buying you first of all. That’s the vibration, that passion, that electricity people need especially if they don’t have it themselves in their life. That’s why you see a lot of people following these motivational speakers. Some graduate and attained what the speakers are doing but a lot of them just follow because they want that energy .we live in one of the top five dirtiest cities in the face of the year it goes something like Mexico city, <inaudible>, LA I think is fifth, Tokyo’s pretty dirty and Hong Kong.
You’re dealing with this constant barrage of pollution, you’ve got the diesel engines that are putting out lead, the camp trails have also been tested for aluminum and barium. Aluminum is a highly toxic material and it embeds in your brain. One of the only ways you can get at that is malic acid, which are in apples.
Malic acid is a great <inaudible> to go after the aluminum in your brain especially with bonded with fluoride, where’s the fluoride coming from? The fluoride is coming from your water thanks to whatever legislation got passed on that day and fluoride the highly toxic substance as aluminum is as mercury has which they put in your teeth is well.
Spring Detox P6
When you drink a big glass of water fifteen minutes before the meal, on the other side of the stomach there’s a buffer that’s about 80% water, so if you drink a lot of water twenty minutes, fifteen minutes before the meal that hydrates that buffer and the body is like the buffer is here, lets cook some food, lets make some acid. If you add some salt and pepper tot hat you fore up some acid. I wrote an article called ten ways to fire up your digestion. There are ten way different tips and home remedies that you can do, go read the article and fire up your digestion.
I read in five or six articles on the liver that it can increase bile flow so you can read more on how to do that on your own and there are tons of articles on the lymph. The lymph is sort of my pet peeve. I love talking about the lymph because nobody talks about it unless you have cancer and it’s the most important system in the body, its your number one detox pathway and in <inaudible> it’s the first thing we treat, it’s the drains and if the drains are clogged your body is going to congest and back up and its going to go right to your liver, your liver is going to congest and that’s the problem because now you cant detox and now you cant regulate sugar. Of course that shuts down your fire down and your digestive fire becomes weak and then you can’t digest hard to digest stuff.
What I want to do is teach you a cleanse that is in this short home cleanse booklet, this is a free booklet, its like twenty five pages in here and you can go and download it for free. It tells you how to cleanse and what to cleanse, you can do it with stuff from the health food store, there are some herbal recommendations that I make but there is also give some alternatives you can get from your local health food store you don’t have to buy a thing from us to get this. This is something I put on my website and if you go to my website you’ll see that we are really about just putting a lot of knowledge out there so you can get your health back. Of course we sell products, we sell kits that’s how we make our living but there’s so much free information and that’s really out main thrust and if you’ve been on our site you’ll know. Download this thing because this is what I’m going to be talking about right now and if you want to do the cleanse and its something I would highly recommend you downloading.
This is a four day cleanse, a simple four day cleanse and our <inaudible> cleanse is a two week cleanse where we do digestive reset and we detoxify the body after we’ve reset digestion but for the four day cleanse it’s a simple detox. If you do the thins that I’ve been talking about so far, eating the bitter roots and the greens, berries, cherries and get the body for detox you can do this on your own.
The way we do a cleanse in <inaudible> is we help the body burn fat, that’s our big thing help the body burn fat and become a better fat burner. I should say that when we help the body burn fat we not only getting rid of toxic chemicals, pesticides, preservatives, environmental toxins, we’re getting rid of molecules of emotion. In <inaudible> medicine it has been shown that old, toxin mental patterns of behavior are actually locked away in fat b cells and they remotely make and let us think to the same dumb stuff again and again in our life. If you don’t detoxify these fat cells, I hope you know that its or crazy mine of ours that lets us do the same stuff and bangs away at our gut and rips our gut to shreds and cause all these digestive stuff to break down. If we don’t take a look at how this d stress is banging away at the the gut its sort of futile. When we do the <inaudible > cleanse and a couple of our other cleanses I talk a lot about the <inaudible> psychology piece because what’s happening when you become a good fat burner, all of a sudden this molecule of emotion that we created in our mind and stored in our fat cells are now being shoved out of the fat into circulation so we have more awareness of those old patterns of behavior so we can take transformational action steps and free ourselves from some of these patterns. Lot of folks say what is that, “molecules of emotions in my fat is that real? Did you make that up?” Well I didn’t make that up, somebody made it up five thousand years ago and that’s interesting is that they’re right. Now at NIH they’ve found done research, they have found that little peptides, little proteins carry emotions, they carry it all around the body concentrated in certain places like your breathing, your brain, your skin, your spine different places these are concentrated. The receptors that receive these emotional peptides are the exact same receptors that deceive your endocrine peptides that carry your immune systems, you endocrine system all your hormones; all your nervous system receptors are all the same ones. So what we actually have according to research at the NIH is that we have this information network in our body and all these different systems endocrine, immune systems psychology all use the same receptors.
If you don’t have, you have some old toxic thing, emotion person in your life that you cant release that makes you contract and get angry and irritated then that blocked emotion can block the whole flow of this information network and literally cause disease according to the research at NIH.
Five thousand years ago in <inaudible> they said toxin emotions can block he flow of the subtle energy pathways and literally cause disease; its almost as if they were saying the exact same thing when I read the research so make no mistake about it when you detox it helps the body be a really good fat burner. You’re getting the body to take a deeper look at itself and that’s why here in Bolder we have a retreat center where people come and spend seven days with us and they do three to 3-5 of yoga, breathing and meditation, 2 ½ hours of <inaudible > plus detox, plus the digestive reset to really open up these pours and let these emotional toxins be released in a safe place and we guide them through these <inaudible> self process so that they can have the clarity to really make these transformational steps but in the cholera cleanse we give you self <inaudible > exercises along the way as well.
Here’s how it works for four days you have a no fat diet and every day the first day you take two teaspoons of GI clarified butter, if you want to use fox seed oil that’s good two. Second day you four teaspoons of GI, third day six teaspoons of GI and the fourth day eight teaspoons of GI. So the first thing you do you take some GI and you go drink it down. That makes you burn fat, it contracts your g all bladder. You’re going to find out just how well gall bladder is working and how well your liver is making bile just by having this GI and its going to flush the bile and force you into fat metabolism. If you have no fat in our direct for the whole day you continue to burn your fat and be a better fat burner. If you have some dietary fat you’re just going to burn some dietary fat and the cleanse is over. So if you have a bunch of GI in the morning and no fat all day long you’re going to flip your body into fat metabolism and the cool thing about this is you’re eating three meals per day. We typically <inaudible> which is a rice and bean sup that you make which is a perfect protein so I keeps your blood sugar very stable and in the booklet there’s four dietary options that you can take, there’s recipes in there so you can do a lot of creative things with your food.
The major thing is that you eat a no fat diet. Soon as we eat fat you screw it up and we can reset it.What happens is the first day people say, “ I’m hungry, I don’t feel good” but by the second or third day they flip into fat metabolism and they’re burning fat stable throughout the day. On the fourth day we do an intestinal flush and they give you options in the book you can deal with castor oil, you can deal with Epsom salt, you can deal with prune juice to clean your intestinal tract out. Its a very simple four day cleans. Turning the entire time you have a no fat diet or <inaudible> it’s very, very simple.
It’s so easy to do, you can work, you can do all your chores, usually by the end day you’re in fat burning and you feel really less hungry because you’re in fat metabolism. I think, the really important thing I wish to say is that even though you’re in fat metabolism and you’re not hungry please eat because if you don’t eat and your blood sugar crashes and that becomes an emergency and then the body goes store fat-crave sugar. The cool thing about this cleanse and our <inaudible > cleans is that as soon as you feel strained, you’re using will power to make this happen you’re defeated the purpose of the cleanse. You putting stress on the body doesn’t burn fat and that’s what is neat about it. It’s kind of a great self-awareness thing. If I’m really straining and struggling in this process it’s really a problem.
In the <inaudible> which we are giving away free one tonight and we do this event twice per year where people do it together in a group, it’s a very fun thing. We have sometimes five hundred or eight hundred people doing it together from around the world and you get emails every morning from us we are all staff cleanses with you, you get conference calls, there’s online forms you can communicate, there is all kinds of emails you can communicate so you can feel as part of the group and that’s kind of a neat thing for folks to feel like a group when they do it together .
So that the <inaudible> cleanse. It’s a two weeks digestive reset and then a detox and of course there’s a <inaudible> download go ahead and do it, read the articles about how to reset your digestion and now you can do it very easily on your own well.
Thank you all for coming, I appreciate it.